Saturday 12 January 2013

Walking Boots and Pink Laces

I have walking boots! Proper walking boots! With pink laces! The Man of the House is very dismissive about those laces – I think he feels pink is far too frivolous for sensible footwear for a woman who wants to be taken seriously. But I don’t care. They are so beautiful and so comfortable that I love them to bits. I tell you people, until you have worn shoes designed to for walking, you have no idea how uncomfortable fashion flatties and spindly heels actually are. So here the boots are,  for my Saturday Snapshotwith a map, and the new pedometer.
Monday: I'm ready for action with walking boots, map and pedometer.
The old pedometer which was indescribably unreliable, went back to the shop less than a week after I bought it, and I invested in a better one, which is dead easy to set up (even for a technophobe like me), very simple to use and, most important of all, very accurate. So this week I feel as if I’ve really got into my stride with this daily walking business, and I’ve been boring everyone silly telling them where I’ve been, and how much ground I’ve covered and how wonderful it is. Anyway, here are the walking boots on their first outing... they looked so nice I was worried about spoiling them and nearly left them at home!
Tuesday: Our first outing together... the new boots and me
in action down on the towpath.
Walking is good exercise for people who don’t like exercise – and I don’t. I hate games, and gym, and athletics, and exercises, and jogging, and anything else like that. My family wasn’t really sports-minded, but on the whole I blame school, where I was forced to do this stuff, despite the fact that I hated it all, and was too fat, too short-sighted and too uncoordinated to do anything. I was always in trouble with the PE staff, who offered no encouragement or help and refused to believe there were people like me who couldn’t do these things, and the girls laughed and never wanted me in their team. I used to hide in the loo, standing on the toilet seat so no-one would see my feet, but I was always discovered and marched off (generally in tears I’m ashamed to say) for hockey or gymnastics, or whatever else was the order of the day.  
Tuesday: I spotted this milestone alongside the
Coventry Canal at Tamworth, between Glascote
 and Amingon. Five miles to where I wonder?
I haven’t really changed my stance since then. I’ve remained a confirmed sports-free zone, with little or no interest in watching or taking part in physical activities. So you can see from this that for me to take up any form of exercise after a lifetime of slothfulness is a really big thing, and I can’t quite believe that I’m walking every day – and enjoying it. Hopefully, combined with sensible eating (no snacking between meals!) the regime will make me a little fitter, and I may even lose some weight.
Wednesday: Moss on a wall outside a house - close to it looked
like a forest of trees and bushes.
 I’m aiming to walk for at least 20 minutes every day, even if I only walk into town rather than using the car or hopping on a bus, with a couple of longer expeditions each week where I can drive out to one of the villages or somewhere a little more rural than Tamworth. And, silly though it sounds, I’m trying to create a record of my efforts by keeping track of how far I walk, and taking photos each day to show where I’ve been, and if I put them in some kind of album or journal, with suitable poems or extracts from books, it might encourage me to keep going.
Thursday: Looking across Minster Pool to the Cathedral on
a cold, misty morning. I was going to take bread to feed ducks
but I left it behind.
So far, 12 days into the New Year, I’m really enjoying it. I like being in the fresh air, and listening to birdsong, and looking at plants, insects and birds, and I think it’s lovely that other people stop and chat. I get back home feeling all refreshed and enthusiastic about Life, the Universe and Everything, and seem to have more energy, which I think is odd.
Friday: Trying to be arty here with a view of boats on the canal
at Kettlebrook, which is part of Tamworth.
At the moment I reckon I’m averaging about 4km a walk at the moment, which isn’t a lot really, but it’s a start, and I’m hoping to increase that in the months ahead. Over the last few days I’ve been along the canal in two different directions; across part of the Castle Grounds to footpaths through a housing estate and back along the main road to home, and around Lichfield, so I’ve included a picture from each place in this post. More Saturday Snapshot pictures are hosted by Alyce at


  1. Love the boots! You've already made a great start to the New Year. Well done. Barbara

    1. Oh, thank you Barbara. There are walking groups locally, so if I can get to the stage where I can cope with 5 or 6 miles I may join one.

  2. Hm, I walk every day. Now, I'm thinking I need to buy proper walking shoes.

    1. Like I said, I cannot believe how much difference it makes, not just comfort-wise, but the way I stand and the way I walk, and my feet don't seem to ache afterwards.

  3. Vicki, I'm glad you like my boots - I was afraid people might think I was silly for getting them!

  4. Those are great boots! Walking is truly my favorite form of exercise. Don't get to do it as often as I used to. Your other photos are great also!

    1. I think many of us lead such busy lives we don't have time to walk, and we rely on the car to get everywhere, even short distances - I don't think I would be doing this if I wws working.

  5. Great that you have had a chance to break in your new boots. I love the close up on the mosses. They look like something from an alien planet.

    1. Mosses and lichens are fascinating - from a distance they tend to look pretty much the same, but up close they are amazing, and different types grow in different places - I'm trying to learn more about them.

  6. I think it's wonderful that you have begun walking and are enjoying it so much. Most of the year here in FL it's just too hot to walk unless you get out before the sun comes up. *sigh* I know I should do it but somehow . . . . .

    1. Thank you Kaye, that's very supportive. It is freezing here at the moment, so a bit of warmth would be nice, but I wouldn't like it as hot as it is where you are!

  7. I so love these boots and the laces. You are right I did not talk about all the delicious cheeses and breads and other culinary delights you can pick up. That is one of my favourite ways to eat.

    1. Esme, I have this dream of being able to hire an apartment in Paris for a couple of weeks, and apart from having the time to explore the city really thoroughly I could shop for food and cook things and play at being Drench!

  8. I love your pink laces too, don't worry about what your husband says. I have bright pink runners and my husband doesn't like them either. Good on you for your walking efforts. I'm doing a bit more walking too, it's great getting out and about in the fresh air, although Australia is having a terrible heat wave at the moment, and most days it's too too hot if I'm not up and out before 8am. I love your photos of your cool, misty walks, keep it up!

    1. Thank you Louise - and you keep up your walking too. I've been following news stories on your heatwave, and the weather and, as I've said before, whilst a bit of warmth would be nice I wouldn't want it that hot. I hope things cool down for you.

  9. I love the pink laces! I am sure you are right that having good walking shoes makes a big difference. For a couple of years we had 'Boinks' which actually helped.
    I like your arty photo of the canal.

    1. That's kind of you to say so. I've never heard of Boinks - what are they?

  10. Love those pink laces. I've never seen any that colour before. Proper walking shoes are a good thing or boots with a good grip for ice in winter. This is Canada.

    Keep walking.

    1. These seem to grip OK in slippery mud and on a very frosty surface, but I don't know how good they will be on ice - they should be OK.

  11. Good for you! You show those bully coaches! You are strong and you can do this.

    1. Thank you Deb - I think that's definitely the attitude to take!If they could see me now they would be so surprised!

  12. I love your idea to take pictures and keep them with inspirational words alongside. Good luck with your project... I should try something the same because I also hate exercise. You've captured some wonderful photos, and I think you certainly caught the 'artiness' of the boats on the canal. Very neat perspective.

    1. It's a way of motivating myself... Hopefully I can look it and see how I progress, and it's a tangible record of something that is quite an achievement for me.

  13. What a great plan! I'm not a big fan of exercise either, and my gym membership is languishing away from lack of use. I can't make myself enjoy it!

    But walking is something I have managed in the past...yet nowadays, I get distracted and then it's too late in the day. I need to make a plan, as you have. Great shoes!

    1. I'm not really well very well organised so I think the plan will help me stick with it, rather than only walking when I'm in mood!

  14. Your walking shoes are adorable. Who could pass up a good walk with a pair of those and the beautiful scenery you get to enjoy!

    1. Jess, that's one of the reasons I opted to walk for exercise, because it does include things I enjoy. And it will be interesting to see how the landscape changes with the seasons.

  15. Hey, if the pink laces stay tied, that's all that matters. My low boots came with sensible brown laces that refuse to stay tied, no matter how many times I knot them. You live in a beautiful area. That must help with the walking.

    1. Sarah, fortunately the laces do stay tied, and I'd much rather walk somewhere away from cars and houses!

  16. I love the whimsical laces! I used to hate PE too, especially swimming. I made up excuses to miss swimming and managed to get out of them for seven years running. Boy was it embarrassing when I was the only one who couldn't swim in that eighth year when I couldn't think up an acceptable excuse. In team sports they used to tell me to "stand over there and don't get in anyone's way." I took one PE class in high school that I loved though - individual sports with badminton, ping pong, archery and juggling. It was awesome, and I think a lot of that was due to a wonderfully understanding and kind female teacher.

    1. Alyce. I am impressed you managed to avoid swimming for so long! I think a bit of understanding goes a long way from anyone involved in teaching, whatever the subject.

  17. I absolutely agree with you on the shoes, and I think they are very cute with the pink laces. I can walk for hours in my trusty Merrells and my feet stay warm, dry and comfy. They're especially handy for muddy trails on bird walks.

    I hear you on the dislike of PE classes. Even though I've always been active with individual activities like hiking, biking, skating, etc I never enjoyed the team sports.

    1. I can imagine you would need really stout footwear for bird walks. I only wish I'd had these last year when we did lots of walking in Cumbria and Devon - on Dartmoor my footwear was so unsuitable I sat on a damp, cold rock while my husband, daughter and her boyfriend scrambled up a rocky tor, then climbed down and told me about the spectacular view!

  18. Love the boots and good for you to start walking. I think they are trying to change gym class these days so more people can find their "thing." I hope so. I'm too antsy for walking. That's why I run. 5 miles this morning with the weather in the 60s! But it's supposed to turn winter again by tomorrow.

    1. That sounds a long way to run. I think I'll stick with the walking - I'm trying to walk as briskly and fast as I can for at least half a route, and see if I can increase speed and distance.

  19. Hurray for comfy walking shooes! Those boots are MADE for walking!

    1. Aren't they just though! I've been resisting the temptation to march along singing that!

  20. Those boots look too good for walking! Seriously, though they're lovely. Enjoy your walks!

    1. Thank you Margaret. I think I must be a little mad!

  21. I love your pink laces! I want to get myself some nice hiking boots soon, there are some hiking trails in the nearby plateau that I have yet to explore. But, i'm not keen an wearing running shoes hiking, I have a feeling i will break an ankle or something. You're right, appropriate footwear is awesome. Looking forward to more walking shots in the future :) Book Savvy Babe

    1. These ones are light-weight, flexible, waterproof, and provide a little bit of support for the ankle. If you get to explore the plateau do post some pictures - I enjoy looking at places.

  22. Those shoes are awesome! My walking shoes are very ugly.

    I'm trying to walk every day, too. I was up to 2-3 miles per day, but then a series of disasters got me off track.

    Lovely pictures!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only person trying to do something like this! I do hope you get back into it again. Even though I'm enjoying it, I find it quite difficult to make the effort to do a little bit every day, and I know if I start missing days I'll give up completely. v

  23. A little pink never hurts. You can always say you wear them to support breast cancer research. No one can be critical of that!

    1. Pink is cheerful and uplifting... perfect for spurring me on to further efforts!

  24. Love the boots and great on your exercise. Look at all the nice scenes you would have missed had you not gone walking. :)

    My Saturday Snapshot is in the link below.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

    1. I'm really enjoying looking at the wildlife, and plants - have been poring over pictures with a pile of books beside me, trying to identify trees!

  25. Wow, my neighborhood ramblings are so tame and boring compared to yours. These photos surely convey a real sense of place! Nice job...and good luck with your walking goals.

    1. Thank you. I always look at other people's photos and think what spectacular landscapes there are around them!

  26. I'm another walker who loves their pedometer. I live within scampering distance of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal so I love exploring the towpath too, it often keeps me motivated to wander along there nodding and good morning'ing at the other walkers, runners and cyclists down there. :)

    1. There's a real sense of community on the towpath isn't there? I love canals, and the way they link to our past, but are still being used, and are so accessible, and peaceful. When the weather is better I shall stick a book in my backpack, go for a walk, then sit and read by the edge of the water.

  27. You have so many fabulous things to see and do on your walks in your fabulous pink laces. Absolutely fabulous! I look forward to living vicariously through your photos and words.
